Posts 100 mile race - Surviving beyond the 100s..

So what does it take to run 100 miler run in Leh under a reputed banner? Would it be the bucks you choose to save for the event sign ups or your past triumphs that make you see yourself fit for yet another adventure of lifetime or the undying passion of running that make you go places to create an undue history..guess all of the above and many more reasons to believe that yes, you can sign up and deserve to show up. So, it's up to you how wisely you choose your dose of adrenaline.  The all mighty that we are up against  I would rather start this blog by thanking and ofcourse congrtulating Chetan Sehgal , Bootsandcrampons to make this event happen in Leh in association with Have known Chetan from the days of laultra and seeing the summit series offering its best to trail and trek junkies just sealed the deal for me and signing up for yet another magnificent event was coming to reality. You bet, the goosebumps were felt the moment I signed

Sinhagad Epic Trail 30kms - Keeping up with my differently abled pinkie

A few trail events lined up in June, one of which had to be called off due to the little finger injury and giving it much needed time to heal and be on the way to recovery. The Sinhagad Epic Trail did not catch much attention as the distances were limited to a marathon and not an intimidating ultra unlike the Jumping Gorilla. Mind you, both these events are in the neighbouring mountains and both are known to give you a taste of trails for the beginners.  The Sinhagad Epic Trail and SRT ultra are the brain child of the Western Ghats Running Foundation. SRT being an Ultra event organised in December and is still on the bucket list.  More can be ready at This event has to be a laid back one post UTMB Australia 100k as I wasn't ready to take on yet another stressful journey in the mountains. The justice however was done by signing up to the mammoth miler event in August to be conducted for the first time in Leh by One hundred tra

UTMB Australia UTA100 - I have got 99 problems but UTMB Australia ain't one!

The category A event of the year needed a lot of due diligence. It's not just the visa that took a toll on the itinerary but also the entire schedule that had to be looked into considering the past experience of travel outside the country. The stress definitely begins when you start looking for a flight that offers the best deal and you hunt for the perfect day only ends when you have learnt the trend of flight fares. The non refundable cheaper flights will lure you but at the cost of any unforeseen incidents that may occur and you end up loosing all your money. With almost a month up after the Visa application and no means whatsoever to physically or telephonically get in touch with the embassy to check on the status, the worries just won't stop making rounds. That's when I learnt the ECR check in your passport needs to be rectified by submitting your academics else it just raises a flag a