100 mile race - Surviving beyond the 100s..

So what does it take to run 100 miler run in Leh under a reputed banner? Would it be the bucks you choose to save for the event sign ups or your past triumphs that make you see yourself fit for yet another adventure of lifetime or the undying passion of running that make you go places to create an undue history..guess all of the above and many more reasons to believe that yes, you can sign up and deserve to show up. So, it's up to you how wisely you choose your dose of adrenaline. 

The all mighty that we are up against 
I would rather start this blog by thanking and ofcourse congrtulating Chetan Sehgal , Bootsandcrampons to make this event happen in Leh in association with Have known Chetan from the days of laultra and seeing the summit series offering its best to trail and trek junkies just sealed the deal for me and signing up for yet another magnificent event was coming to reality. You bet, the goosebumps were felt the moment I signed up. 

The line up is definitely intimidating, knowing that I get to run along the international athelete worked both ways, one is getting to connect and learn the tricks of the trade and second may be the feeling of how much is there to be achieved in the career of long distance running when compared to the runners attending this event from distant countries 
First things first, doesn't matter what event you are running in Leh, please follow the due diligence of showing up early in Leh and getting acclimatize. This is always a mandate to ensure you accustom to the oxygen levels and also to be wary of any conditions that you may be prone to or are to develop any health related symptoms especially in high elevation running events. You should not skip this regime. PERIOD

Here's what the schedule looked like for us:-

The schedule begins on 16th August and the race begins on the 21st or August. Reaching the destination well in advance with the prime goal of getting acclimatize and is non negotiable. 


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